
About Guatemala

Guatemala: The Land of Magic Folklore and Ancient Cultures
Guatemala is a land that is rich in history and tradition. Beginning with the mysterious Maya, the Spanish colonial period, and today's modern culture, Guatemala is a time machine that allows glimpses of past imperial glories. With Mayan ruins that are unmatched for their splendor, colorful Indian markets, quaint Spanish Colonial cities, world class museums, verdant jungles and friendly people, the temptations that Guatemala has to offer are limitless -we invite you to be our guest, and explore this historic, colorful and exotic country.

Guatemala City
Guatemala City is an urban center with cultural diversity, cosmopolitan as well as traditional, in which traditional and folkloric abundance stands out, with legends such as El Cadejo or La Llorona. The city offers the tourist all the services and commodities and is normally the center of operations to set out to any of the other destinations in the country.

Antigua Guatemala: A Quaint, Peaceful, and Sophisticated Spanish-Colonial Arts & Crafts Center
This colonial city preserves buildings from the XVI Century. La Antigua Guatemala can be visited by foot, walking along its ancestral stoned roads. It is worth the effort to visit its old convents, such as Capuchinas and Santa Clara, Catedral de San Jose, Compania de Jesus, La Recoleccion, church and convent La Merced, Convent and Arco de Santa Catarina, among other treasures from the past. La Antigua Guatemala is known as the "City of the Perpetual Roses", and in addition to colonial badges, honorable titles and prizes it has received throughout history, it was acknowledged by UNESCO as Cultural Patrimony of Humanity in 1979.

Chichicastenango, Quiche: Culture& Folklore
In this area, several churches may be visited, as well as the archaeological site of Utatlan, also known as Gumarcaj. In Chichicastenango, you can visit a colonial church built in 1540 by Dominican priests. The "Popol Vuh", sacred book of the Quiches was found in its convent. Another of its most visited attractions is Cerro Turcaj (hill), where the God World is worshiped, in a stone deity called Pascual Abaj. Chichicastenango is one of the few towns where you can appreciate the meaning of faith of the Indians that descend from the ancient Maya.

Lake Atitlan
Lake Atitlan lies in the territorial division of Solola, which is believed to be "the most beautiful lake in the world", according to writer Aldous Huxley. The most developed town at the lake is Panajachel, while several colorful villages that have been able to preserve their millenary traditions lie on its shores; among them, Santiago Atitlan, San Lucas Toliman, San Pedro La Laguna, and San Antonio Palopo.

Livingstone, Izabal - The Caribbean
Its climate is warm and has an opening into the Caribbean sea, which allows many water sports to be practiced, as well as ecotourism and adventure. The area offers nature attractions such as Lago Izabal (lake), which is the largest lake in the country, with an approximate area of 589 square kms, having many affluents, especially the Polochic River. This lake's natural flow is Rio Dulce (river), which is believed to be one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Guatemala. Another important river is Sarstun, which divides Belize, Peten and Izabal. You can also visit Castillo de San Felipe de Lara (fortress), the borough of Livingstone, and the archaeological site of Quirigua.
The area is characterized especially by its garifuna population, which enhances Guatemalan culture with its Afro-Caribbean roots, allowing the visitor to enjoy its music, color and gastronomy.

Tikal, Peten Jungles & the Maya World
There are several protected zones, such as the Reserve of Biosfera Maya, which consist in more than a million hectares of humid subtropical jungle, Biotopo Cerro Cahui (for the protection of the ocellate peacock) and the Natural Reserve of San Miguel La Palotada (for the conservation of the bat). It has a rich vegetation variety of tropical jungle and approximately 250 animal species.
Peten is one of the most significant territories where the Mayan culture was located during the Classic Period. Its main attraction is Tikal National Park, which lodges the famous city of Tikal, where two museums are found: the Stellae (with replicas of these carved stones) and the Sylvanus Morley, which exhibits artifacts made of pottery, bone, stone, conch, and jade.
Given its significance in the Mayan Civilization, several important archaeological sites are found in Peten, among others,  Naachtun, Chochkitam,  Xultun, Xmakabatun, Holmul, Uaxactun, Piedras Negras, Tikal, Yaxha, Topoxte, Nakum, El Naranjo, San Clemente, Itzimte, Tayasal, Popol, Ucana, Altar de Sacrificios, La Amelia, Ixhun, Ceibal, Poptun, and Cancuen

Traveling to and within Guatemala
There are two starting points for your journey: The capital city of Guatemala or the Spanish colonial city of Antigua Guatemala. You may fly into Guatemala City and be transferred to Antigua (less than 1 hour drive) or you may opt to stay in the city. Wherever you pick, you will certainly enjoy the sights of Guatemala. Most tours, expeditions and transfers are provided on a private basis with English speaking guides. We invite you to visit Guatemala and partake in one or more of our custom designed itineraries.
Text from: EcoAmerica Tours