
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Northern Region in San Marcos

I have seen that every town, regardless its size or location, has its own enchantment and for what we all have learned through our journey, every town in Guatemala seems to have its own culture. That is something simply extraordinary that continues to amaze me and I hope, to you too!
Nevertheless, and because the department of San Marcos is divided into 29 municipalities, I selected only some of them, which I believe will give you a good perspective of the region.
Comitancillo, or Tzol ja, as it is called by its Maya Mam descendant population, was visited by my good friend Norma Monroy several months ago and once again she is sharing some of her photos with all of us.
As I have mentioned before, Maya descendants honor and respect their dead ones as much as they do with their living ones and Comitancillo couldn't be the exception. The cemetery is a focal point and it is so picturesque, that Norma didn't resist taking this lovely photo.
I would like to say that everything in Comitancillo and in most of the surrounding towns  and villages is as beautiful as we appreciate in the images, but honestly, I cannot, yet... What I could say for what I have been reading is that people in these towns, despite the day-by-day struggles, are now getting the attention they deserve and their communities are on their way to become flourished and developed.

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