
Monday, May 10, 2010

Huehuetenango: Land of The Ancestors

This is one of the two Guatemala departments that I have never been to, and to guide us on this trip, I have compiled lots of useful information from several sources in dated books and the Web. After what I have read, let me tell you that  Huehuetenango doesn't need much help to show its beauty, its history, and its people and their costumes. Anyway, I will do my best to make this an enjoyable journey.
Through the time, I have collected some Huehuetecos photographs that I would like to share with you today; most of them scanned from old prints so they may not look as vibrant as the real colors are.
If you have visited Huehuetenango and have something to share with us, please do so. Whatever it is, I am sure it will contribute to make our experience even richer.
Following the same format that we already know, to start becoming familiar with this new department, here is some basic information: It is one of the largest territories (almost 7,500 sq km) in the country, divided into 31 municipalities. It is also one of the departments where more Maya languages are spoken: the predominant Mam, Tectiteco, Aguacateco, Chuj, Popti (or Jacalteco), Kanjobal, and Chalchiteco.
In ancient times, this area was known as Xinabahul, a Mam voice that translates as Land of the Ancestors, whose main settlement was located in Zaculeu, which according to the chronicles, during the colonial times, it was fiercely defended by the last Mam Ruler, Ka'ibil B'alam.
Zaculeu is the largest and best preserved archaeological Maya sites in the Guatemalan Highlands, so I hope you will join us tomorrow to explore its magical pyramids.

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