
Friday, May 28, 2010

Guatemalan Mountains: Beautiful and Unpredictable

Once again, we interrupt our journey because of the mountains... The first time, to  share with all of you the wonderful news about Andrea Cardona and her conquest of the Mt. Everest summit. Today, because of the tremendous explosion of the Pacaya Volcano last night.
A few days ago, Maynor Mijangos from Galas de Guatemala, the most valuable collaborator of this blog, climbed this colossus, which has been active since I can remember and took amazing photos that I was saving for the appropriate time in our itinerary. I won't wait, today is the appropriate day!
This event has been in the news since it started yesterday afternoon and the coverage continues with live reports all over the world. This media coverage came with a  high price, since last night a journalist lost his life while covering the event. May the family of Anibal Archila find peace and consolation and know how many people share their sorrow and stand with them in this time of need. My prayers for the disappeared boys: for them to be found safe, and for their families to keep the faith.

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