
Monday, May 24, 2010

From the Mountains to the Sea: San Marcos

Last week, one of our travel companions told me that she was happy because through this journey, I was showing the beautiful side of Guatemala; let me tell you, showing the beauty of Guatemala is not a hard task since Guatemala is truly beautiful! In the photo above, behind the golden rocks, the Tacana Volcano (4,092m) and further, like a shadow, the Tajumulco Volcano (4,200m), the two highest volcanoes in Central America.
 Tacana River Basin
Wherever you go, wherever you see, from mountains to valleys, from rivers to the sea, from big cities to tiny villages, the natural richness is breathtaking, the local culture and traditions are amazing, the people kindness has no parallel.
 Santo Tomas Volcano
As for San Marcos, our new and also our last destination in the Guatemala's Highlands, I can tell you that it is a place full of contrasts that will make this trip a transitional expedition, taking us from Central America's highest volcano, to the Pacific Ocean shoreline. From one extreme to another, San Marcos territory varies a lot and therefore, we will find many different attractions.
 Tacana Volcano in December
San Marcos is also one of the main borders between Guatemala and Mexico, with 3 different customs and immigration points -Ayutla, Tecun Uman, and El Carmen, which makes the area one of the most commercially active in the country.
 Biological Reserve Manchon Guamuchal
From San Marcos we will admire to the northern side, Los Cuchumatanes mountain range; to the west, the Chiapas valleys and the amazing depression of the Grijalva river (the Mexican side of the Selegua River that comes down from Huehuetenango); to the east, Quetzaltenango's mountains; and to the south, the Tumbador valley, the Costa Cuca coastal line, and the impetuous Pacific Ocean.
Tilapa Beach

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