
Thursday, April 8, 2010

San Antonio Palopo: An Oasis of Peace

San Antonio shares the Kaqchikel part of its name, Palopo, with its neighbor, Santa Catarina Palopo which we visited yesterday; because as I said, this was a region where amate trees, like the one we can see at the end of the terraces, were abundant long time ago.
The town is one of the most traditional Mayan villages in the area and if you are really interested in the local culture, I would recommend to explore the place at your own pace.
Don't miss the church in the center of the town, the archaeological site Choka-kay, the nature reserve in Tzampetey, and the Maya Altar Sacsiguan. It  will be a rewarding experience!
Until 1980, when the road was completed, the only way to go to San Antonio Palopo was either by boat or walking and I am sure that because of this recently disrupted isolation, people here are more traditional and the whole town allows you to experience a special quietness and peace state, conducive to enjoy the breathtaking views.
One of the remarkable features of the industrious "Tunecos" as locals call themselves, is that they have organized a cooperative to standardize, collect, and commercialize the  lead-free mayolica-style pottery and textile production of the local weavers and they are exporting this production directly to Germany, Italy, England, and the United States of America. 
Among the articles they produce, we can find shawls, napkins, place mats, and belts in a wide range of colors, all of them weaved in the traditional back-strap and treadle-loomers.

1 comment:

  1. I spent a few days there doing anthropological work. It's my favorite of the Lake Atitlan villages!


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