
Monday, March 8, 2010

Women of Substance

Last Friday I announced that today we were going to start visiting some other towns that belong to the Sacatepequez Department. I lied!
As you may know, today, the world  celebrates the first centennial of the Women's International Day and I just cannot let this opportunity to go away without acknowledging all of those women, most of them, anonymous heroines in the history of Guatemala, as well as all of those women who in different ways have enriched my life.
For my mother, who is my personal heroine; for the rest of women in my family, sisters and nieces, aunts and cousins; for my girl friends, some of them from so long ago that are another part of my family; for the women all over the world, who struggle, who smile, who care, who love, who cook... for my beautiful daughter who has inspired me since the very first day she came into my life. For you women all over the world!

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