
Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to Guatemala Colonial: Antigua Guatemala

Photos in this page by, used with authorization.
Living in Guatemala City, I became an urban and constant tourist of Antigua Guatemala and visited it and enjoyed it and its surroundings in countless occasions, alone, with Alexandra -my daughter, with friends and family; however, in those occasions I always was the urban tourist and being Guatemalan, I always took Antigua Guatemala for granted. It was there, it was close, it was mine...
After moving to Costa Rica, a few years ago, with Marcelo -my husband- and Cristina -his sister, who are Mexicans, and Cristina's husband, Jorge Imana, who is an extraordinary Bolivian Painter, I went back to Antigua Guatemala in 2004, and rediscovered the city.
I was able then to appreciate Antigua Guatemala not just through my nostalgic eyes, but also through the eyes of foreign people, true tourists, one of them, an acclaimed artist. From my visits with Alexandra, I treasure most of my sweetest memories; from that visit in 2004 I treasure Antigua Guatemala as never before!
This blog is intended to share with you my country and to the possible extent, every region and their most relevant features; therefore, after this personal insight, tomorrow I will try to go back to the objective narrative of this journey. In the meantime, I want to share this video from the CrlsM11 Channel, a homage to Antigua Guatemala, awarded by the travel specialized magazine Wanderlust, as the top city in the world in 2009.

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