
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Museums Complex in La Aurora

Continuing with our visit to Finca La Aurora, today we have the privilege of visiting the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, which is a good start for those who among their reasons to travel to Guatemala, is their interest in the archaeological patrimony of the country. The museum is dedicated to the conservation of archaeological and ethnological artifacts as well as the research into Guatemala's history and cultural heritage.
This is one of the most visited museums in the city because of its large collection of archaeological treasures, which is displayed in chronological order: pre-classical, classical, and post-classical. As a matter of fact, this museum has the most important collection of Mayan art in Latin America, and its pieces are constantly traveling to be part of the exhibits in foreign countries.
It has been found that in the pre-classical period (2,000 BC to 250 AC), the ancient civilizations developed very complex irrigation systems to guarantee the agricultural production and secure the subsistence of the communities. Some of the most important sites of that period are: Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala City (the place we are going to visit tomorrow), Uaxactun and El Mirador in Peten, and El Baul in the Pacific Coast area.
As part of the Ethnology Exhibit, in this museum we can also find an extraordinary collection of textiles and artifacts, as well as large models of the main Maya sites.

All the Photos in this page by, used with authorization. 
Another important museum in this complex is the National Museum of Contemporary Art, which is dedicated to  the artist Carlos Merida, one of the most famous Guatemalan painters within the cubist movement, and who stood out in painting, drawing, printmaking, and lithography. Due to family reasons, Calos Merida made his home in México where he became active in the Mexican mural painting school. In Guatemala City, one of his most representative works, is the mural in the IGSS building in the Civic Center.
The musical expression has been present in every stage of the development of the Guatemalan culture and that is why I want to share with all of you this interesting documentary. The narrative is in Spanish, but the sounds and music are universal!

1 comment:

  1. Estimada Erin,
    Me siento afortunada de ser una de los 10 primeros "followers" de tu blog. Soy orgullosamente "Chapina", viviendo en Guatemala y deseo expresarte mi felicitación y admiración por la inquietud, que en mi opinión, has logrado plasmar con sencillez, pasión y gran éxito!
    No deja de recordarme de la bella experiencia reflejada en la reciente película "Julie & Julia". Deseandote lo mejor,


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