
Friday, February 5, 2010

The Central Market - Level 3

Today we are going to take the stairs one more time, the last one I must add, and we will find more handicrafts, most of them designed with locals in mind. The variety here ranges from pottery, basketry (mainly for domestic and florists use) to wooden artifacts.
In addition, in this level you will also find several places that sell grains, spices, herbs (medicinal and for cooking), candles, and the famous Queso de Zacapa (dry like-parmesan cheese), which is very important in the Guatemalan cuisine. These are just some of the dishes that require queso de Zacapa: quesadilla (a sweet bread typical from the East of the country, for which you can find my own recipe in Antigua Daily Photo), tostadas, and fiambre (the typical dish Guatemalans eat to celebrate the day of all saints and the dead on November 1st). 
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 Photos by, used with authorization
A Journey Through Guatemala - 2010-02-05
In this level we can also find the most bizarre selection of favors and other knickknacks required for popular celebrations like Quinceaňeras (like the sweet sixteen, only one year before), Baptisms, First Communions, Baby-showers, Weddings, among others. As I said before, products more intended for local consumers.
Well, this has been all for this week. I hope you will come back next Monday when I am going to invite you to join me in a sightseeing tour through the Historic Center.

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