
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Central Market - Level 1

I think I already mentioned that this is one of my favorite places in Guatemala City, in case you missed it, I am telling you, again!
Remember that we are going downstairs from the street-parking lot level, so here we are, in the first level. This level, the one designed with tourists in mind, is full of small individually owned handicrafts stores and probably the first impression will be some kind of noise… which is the mix of different radio stations playing at the same time in almost each one of the little stores! Do not let this upset you, quite contrary, think of it as the perfect background for what is to come: textiles.
Guatemalan textiles are the most vibrant colors weaved in the most intricate patterns you will ever see. The best of all is that you can choose amid a wide variety of designs, to fit every taste and budget: fabric by the yard, table clothes, woolen blankets, bedspreads, you name it.
In addition to the music, you are going to hear some melodic calls: que va a llevar reinita (or mi rey)? Meaning literally: what would you like to buy my little queen (or my king)? This is Guatemalan people at their best! Friendly, smiley, eager to please you.
Take your time, enjoy and walk around, through every one of the aisles and feel free to explore. Rustic leather, silver jewelry, naif paintings, popular souvenirs are just some of the many other things you will find here.
Should you still want to explore the rest of the market? Come back tomorrow. I will do my best trying to tell you about the next level. In the meantime, please enjoy this slide show which contains more beautiful photos by
Click on the Image to Start the Slide Show
A Journey Through Guatemala - 2010-02-03


  1. Hola Erin, te felicito, por tu empeño y nacionalismo, realmente hiciste un gran y hermoso trabajo acerca de nuestro muchas veces mal apreciado país.
    Te felicito y ojalá todos los guatemaltecos salieramos de nuestra zona de confort y trabajarámos mas por nuestro hermoso país.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Hello to all that visit this site,
    I want say many thanks to Erim for this idea; for promote our Guatemala.
    Bless you always.


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